M. Habibur Rahman

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET

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Bangladeshi by birth.



Aug.30 2008 to date

Director, International Training Network (ITN) Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, BUET.

Nov. 2003 to Aug.2007

Division Chief, Environmental Engineering Division, BUET, Dhaka.

2006 to date

Chairman, Technical Committee of National Domestic Biogas and Manure Program.

2008 to date

 Member of the Steering Committee of Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Programme Support, Phase-II, Government of Bangladesh.

2006 to date

Member of the Steering Committee of National Domestic Biogas and Manure Program.

April 2009 to date

 Member of the Syndicate, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Dhaka.

April 2009 to date

Convenor of the Fellowship Renewal Committee of the Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

April 2009 to date

Member of Teachers Selection Committee of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet.

2008 to date

 Member of the Committee for Advance Studies and Research, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur.

April 2008 to date

Member of Teachers Selection Committee of Civil Engineering Department of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna.

2004 to 2006

 Editor, Multidisciplinary Journal of Institutions of Engineers Bangladesh.


Chairman of the House Allotment Committee of BUET Teachers and Officers.


 Chairman of the House Allotment Committee of BUET Teachers and Officers.

2004 to date

Reviewer, Water Policy Journal, Institute for Water Resources, Alexandria, VA 22315-3868.

Oct. 1999 to Sept.2000

 Awarded Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship and served as a Visiting Professor at Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK.

June 1998 to 2001

Member of the PMU Steering Committee for Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (Government of Bangladesh - World Bank).

November 1997 to date

Chairman of the Management Committee of the Environmental Monitoring and Control Laboratory jointly operated by BUET and the Department of Shipping, Government of Bangladesh.

July 1998 to Sept. 1999

Low-cost Technology Specialist of the International Training Network (ITN), Bangladesh.

January 1997 to Sept. 1999

Resource person in the ITN, BANGLADESH.


President, University Teacher’s Federation


President, University Teacher’s Federation.       


Vice-President, University Teacher’s Federation.


Vice-President, University Teacher’s Federation.


Vice-President, University Teacher’s Federation


President, BUET Teacher’s Association.


President, BUET Teacher’s Association.


 President, BUET Teacher’s Association.


Vice-President, BUET Teacher’s Association.


Vice-President, BUET Teacher’s Association.


Vice-President, BUET T Teacher’s Association.


 General Secretary, BUET Teacher’s Association.


General Secretary, BUET Teacher’s Association.

April 1994 to date

President, Bangladesh Water Supply Association.

August 1994 to 1999

Member of the Executive Board of International Water Supply Association (IWSA) ASCEN Region.

1999 to 2005 

Board Member of International Water Association.

2005 to date     

International Board Member Asian Academic Network for Environmental Safety and Waste Management.

2008 to dare     

Board Member of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW).

August 1994 to 1999     

Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of IWSA.

Nov. 2000 to Jun. 2002 

Laboratory-in-charge Environmental Engineering Laboratory.                 

November 1989 to 1999

Assistant Laboratory-in-charge Environmental Engineering Laboratory.                  

October 1997 to Sept. 1999

 Provost, Dr. M.A Rashid Hall, BUET, Dhaka.

January 1990 to July 1995

 Assistant Provost, Dr. M.A Rashid Hall, BUET, Dhaka.


General Secretary, BUET Club.

1995 - 2001      

Member of the Welfare Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh for the years 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2003.

July 1991 to October 1999

 Member of the Committee of the Method of Tests for Materials and Measurement of Civil Engineering Works of Bangladesh Standard Institution.

August 1995 - 1998

Member of the committee of courses and studies in B. Sc. in Technical Education, Government of Bangladesh.          

June 1996 to 2001           

Expert Member of the Centre for Energy Studies, BUET, Dhaka.

December 1996 - 1998

 Member of the Water Supply and Sanitation Division Working Group of the Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh.

December 1994 to date

Member of the Academic Council, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

February 1999  

Convenor of the Evaluation Committee of Technical Proposal for Design and Construction Supervision Project of Feeder Road Type-A, RRMP-III, GoB.        

March 1999      

 Convenor of the Evaluation Committee of Financial Proposal for Design and Construction Supervision Project of Feeder Road Type-A, RRMP-III, GoB.        

July 1989 to date          

Reviewer of technical papers, Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.

July 1989 to date          

Reviewer of technical papers, Journal of Water Resource Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.

November 1992

Worked as a reviewer for the First International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Alberta, CANADA.


Completed M. SC. ENG.  Theses
  1. “Composting of Solid Waste with Special Emphasis on Vermiculture”, M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. Mahmudul Haque, 2009.
  2. “Health Impact of Air Pollution with Special Emphasis on Traffic Police in Dhaka City”, M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by A S M Mahmood Hasan, 2008.
  3. “Analysis of Groundwater Abstraction for Water Supply in Bangladesh" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by by Rumana Afrin, 2008.
  4. “A Study on Performance of Rainwater Harvesting System “M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. Zillur Rahman, 2007.
  5. “Study and Treatment of Surface Water for Sylhet City" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. S. K. Alam Sarkar, 2005.
  6. “Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion Process of Domestic Solid Waste" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by Abdullah Al-Muyeed, March 2005.
  7. "A Study on Composting of Solid Waste" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. Azizul Moqsud, December 2003.
  8. "A Study on Solid Waste Management in Dhaka Metropolitan City" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by R. Sutradhar, October 2002.
  9. "Environmental Impact of Improved Bus Service in Dhaka City" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. A. Jaigirdar, October 1998.
  10. "A Study on Drainage System for Selected Cities in Bangladesh" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by U. R. Quabili, August 1998.
  11. "A Study of the Performance of Various Types of Solar Desalination Plants in Different Weather Conditions" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by S. A. Ferdausi, October 1997.
  12. "A Study on Biogas Generation from Organic Kitchen Waste and Domestic Sewage" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. A. Mottalib, December 1996.
  13. "Risk Assessment and Management of Selected Pesticides Generally used in Bangladesh" M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. J. B. Alam, June 1996.
  14. "Water Quality Modelling of Mixing Zones of Rivers for Multiple Outfalls" M.Sc. Eng. Thesis by A. K. Azad, September 1994.
  15. "Study on a Family Size Solar Desalination Plant for the Coastal Region of Bangladesh" M.Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. Mafizur Rahman, August 1994.
  16. "Development of Short Duration Rainfall Equation for Urban Drainage Systems in Bangladesh ", M.Sc. Eng. Thesis by Rowshan  Mamtaz, November 1993.
  17. "Effect of Mechanical Mixing and Dung Concentration on Biogas Generation" M.Sc. Eng. Thesis by S. K. Bosu, February 1993.
  18. "Impact of Greater Dhaka City Flood Protection Works on the Environment with Specific Reference to Domestic Waste Disposal" M.Sc. Eng. Thesis by A. K. M. N. Islam, June 1992.


Completed M. Eng. (6 Credit Theses)
  1. “Assessment of NGO Intervention on Water Supply and Sanitation in Selected Slums of Dhaka City”, M. Eng. Thesis by Siddika Seguftah, 2009
  2. Assessment of Healthcare Waste Management Practices in Khulna City Corporation”, M. Eng. Thesis by Mohammad Mehdi Hasan, 2008.
  3. “A Study on Healthcare Waste Management in Chandpur Pourashava” M. Eng. Thesis by Md. Shariful Haque, 2008.
  4. “Evaluation of Recycling Practices of Solid Waste in Selected Area of Dhaka City” M. Eng. Thesis by Sheikh Tawfique Aziz, 2008.
  5. “Microbial Quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost”, M. Eng. Thesis by Md. Harunur Rashid, 2007
  6. "Sustainability of Water Supply and Sanitation System of Netrakona Town" M. Eng. Thesis by Md. Obaidul Kabir, 1999.
  7. "A Study on Hospital Waste Management" M. Eng. Thesis by M. Shehabullah., 1999.
  8. "Economic Appraisal of Selected Biogas Plants in Bangladesh" M. Eng. Thesis by P. J. Lily, 1998.
  9. "Impact of the Jamuna Fertilizer Industry on the Surrounding Environment" M. Eng. Thesis by Md. Tarikuzzaman, 1998.


C. M. SC. / M. ENG.  Theses at the Completion Stage
  1.  “Solid Waste Management in Chittagong City“, M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by M. A. Tariq, 2009.
  2. “Waste Management with Special Emphasis on Occupational Health and Safety at Selected Healthcare Establishments”, M. Sc. Eng. Thesis by Mirza Md Tayabur Rahman
  3. “Health Impact of Water Supply and Sanitation Practices in Selected Wards of Gazipur Municipality”, M. Eng. Thesis by Mst Irin Sultana.


Participation and presentation in major international seminar / conference / and workshop: presented Technical Paper and/or participated as a delegate in the followings:
  1. The 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
  2. Reader’s Workshop on Water and Health, Hyderabad, India, 2009.
  3. The 4th Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW), Beijing, China, 2008
  4. The World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, 2008.
  5. Twenty-third International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, 2008.
  6. The Second South Asia Water Research Conference: Water supply, sanitation and wastewater management in South Asia, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2007.
  7. The International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation: Eco-Cities and Villages, Dongsheng, Erdos, Inner Mongolia, China, 2007.
  8. The 8th Symposium on Asian Academic Network for Environmental Safety and Waste Management (AANESWM), Chennai, India, 2006.
  9. The General Assembly Meeting of Global Water Partnership – South Asia and Round Table Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2006.
  10. The World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, 2006.
  11. The 7th Symposium on Asian Academic Network for Environmental Safety and Waste Management (AANESWM), Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
  12. The World Water Week in Stockholm and the 15th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
  13. The Air Pollution 2005, Cordoba, Spain, 2005.
  14. 30th WEDC International Conference Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2004
  15. IWA Business Meeting and IWA 4th World Water Congress and Exhibition, Marrakech, Morocco, 2004.
  16. 5th Princess Chulabhorn Science Congress: Evolving Genetics and Its Impact on the World, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004.
  17. WHO/IPCS Workshop on the Expansion of Collaborative research Network Among Scientists in Developing and Developed Countries in the Area of Gen-Environment Interactions in Children, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004.
  18. The World Water Week in Stockholm and the 14th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004.
  19. 19th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, 2004.
  20. First International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.
  21. South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2003.
  22. International Freshwater Management Conference, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 2003
  23. 2nd Asia Pacific Training Workshop on Ecohydrology, Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia, 2003.
  24. The 3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2003.
  25. First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region (APHW2003), Kyoto, Japan, 2003.
  26. International Water Association Board Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 2003.
  27. 28th WEDC Conference, Kolkata, India, 2002.
  28. The World Water Week in Stockholm and the 12th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002.
  29. Enviro 2002 Convention and Exhibition/ IWA World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.
  30. International Conference on Environmental Threats to the Health of Children: Hazards and Vulnerability, Bangkok, Thailand, 2002.
  31. UNU-NIES Workshop on Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater – Technical and Policy Dimensions, Tokyo, Japan, 2002.
  32. International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 2001.
  33. The World Water Week in Stockholm and the 11th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
  34. International Workshop on Fluoride in Drinking Water: Strategies, Management and Mitigation, Bhopal, India, 2001.
  35. Annual General Meeting of Alliance for Global Sustainability, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2001.
  36. 17th Inter-School Conference on Sustainable Cities: Sustainable Development – The Urban Agenda for Developing Countries, Oxford, UK, 2000.
  37. 25th WEDC Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1999.
  38. International Symposium on Efficient Water Use in Urban Areas: Innovative Ways of Finding Water for Cities, Kobe, Japan, 1999.
  39. Annual General Meeting of Alliance for Global Sustainability, Tokyo, Japan, 1999.
  40. 24th WEDC Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1998.
  41. The Asian Conference on Water and Wastewater management, Iran, 1998.
  42. The Second Summit Meeting and Conference of IWSA-ASCEN Region, Nepal, 1997.
  43. The Second International Conference on Environmental and Industrial Toxicology: Research and its Application, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996.
  44. APO World Conference on Green Productivity, Manila, Philippines, 1996.
  45. 22nd WEDC Conference and 19th PHE Annual Convention at New Delhi, India, 1996.
  46. The Third Princes Chulabhorn Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 1995.
  47. Joint Research Meeting at the University of Tokyo, Japan, 1995.
  48. Conference of the Heads of the Member Organisations and Non-member Organisations of International Water Supply Association, ASCEN Region, Bombay, India, 1995.
  49. International Workshop on Water Quality and Catchment Management, Hat Yai, Thailand, 1995.
  50. Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Regional Workshop on Waste Water Treatment in Bangladesh, organized by Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives with the Joint sponsorship of Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development (IFSTAD) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB), 1995.
  51. Global Climate Change Conference: Science, Policy, and Mitigation Strategies, Arizona, U.S.A., April 1994.
  52. International Workshop on Alternate Methods of Water Treatment, Nagpur, India, November 1993.
  53. Sustainable Energy Technologies for Human Settlements, Madras, India, July 1993.
  54. International Conference on Tall Buildings, IEB, Dhaka, 1993.
  55. Workshop and short Course on Urban Drainage System in Developing Countries, AIT, Thailand, 1992.
  56. The 13th International Seminar on Environmental Assessment and Management, Aberdeen, U.K., 1992.
  57. Workshop for Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded participates in International seminar / Conference, Dhaka, 1992.
  58. The Seventh International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Secondary Materials, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1991.   
  59. SAARC Seminar on Protecting the Environment from Degradation, Dhaka, 1985.



Abu Dhabi, Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Dubai, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA, to participate seminar, workshop, conference and for other professional activities.

Copyright 2009 habibr@ce.buet.ac.bd. All Rights Reserved.